What you've told us - and what we do with your health and care feedback

Healthwatch is here to listen to your views and then act on them. Visiting your GP featured the most in your feedback for the last quarter - and reception staff and the quality of care were among the issues mentioned the most.

Between October and December 2020 we had 60  pieces of feedback about the health and care services you use with just over half of these negative (56 per cent) with the rest positive, neutral and sometimes mixed responses. The biggest issue you wanted to tell us about was visiting your GP.

Out of the feedback you gave us 29 per cent raised a concern and Healthwatch will prioritise your comments at our next Prioritisation Panel Meeting on February 11th. A list of action logs are created and responses sought from providers where needed.

The public is invited to attend the open section of the meeting.

Of the responses, the majority were from our website feedback ‘share your views form’ and some phonecalls. To share your feedback for the next quarter please go to https://www.healthwatchsouthglos.co.uk/share-your-views

33 per cent of YOUR responses related to reception and admin experiences and nearly the same amount (32 per cent) were about quality of care. 24 per cent were about accessing services. There were good and bad points raised which we will share with providers.

Healthwatch South Gloucestershire Area Lead, Maisy Griffiths, has now written a report based on these findings which will be sent to the Bristol, North Somerset, South Glos clinical Commissioning Group and other organisations where mentioned.